The newest generation. The movement and change shifters. An audience that barely anyone fully understands. This is how we would describe an audience that is currently coming to the workforce and impacting the consumer wishes and needs.
We came across an interesting set of reports published by Linkedin, that we need to share with you regarding Gen Z and their behavior when it comes to the impact they leave on the advertising and sale industry. We hope this little insight will help your small business in reaching the most wanted audience of all time.
Here is all you need to know about the newest digital consumer generation audience.
Who is Gen Z?
When it comes to a demographic group, those are individuals born somewhere between 1997 until 2012. However, in many different reports, the main focus falls on people born in the 2000s. They come right after Millennials and it is a generation that was fully raised at the time of the internet, social media, and digital transformations.
Why is Gen Z so important for my business?
Well, they will be driving the wheels of future developments. They are your next consumers and your next traffic thrivers. They are slowly entering the workforce and they will soon be fully independent decision-makers when it comes to purchasing decisions. You will definitely want to focus on them, no matter the industry you are in.
With a whole coronavirus crisis, many businesses depended on online purchases and we saw the biggest boom of e-commerce ever. Now, most of those users through this period were Millennials and older Gen Z members, as for their purchasing power and as for their digital skills. So, now is the best time for you to start working on building relationships with your youngest audience.
Understanding Generation Z digital behavior
Unlike Millennials, Gen Z’s audience was raised with internet privileges such as social media, multiplatform gaming, and online stores, and are connected online more than any other generation. According to Linkedin, Gen Zers spend more than an hour on social media every day. Most of the users spend their free time online and on multiple devices. Also, around 75 percent of survey respondents selected a mobile phone or smartphone as their device of choice.

Values and mindset of Generation Z
According to Linkedin, based on their survey, Generation Z is completely different from their values and mindset compared to their older mates Millennials. Their mindset is focused on learning, wealth, and ambition, while they value transparency and authenticity. Their life goals are focused on financial security.
What does Gen Z value about brands?
When it comes to brand value, Millennials, based on our inside survey (a company fully run by Millennials) would be the quality of the products and services, how fast it is delivered, and the ethical values of the companies. However, Linkedin research, for generation Z says that they value authenticity, sustainability, and giving back more when it comes to brand value. They value more what is going around them and crave stability.
Actions you should take as a business
Now, either you as a small business owner or your marketing team should take some actions to reach the audience. Here are a few suggestions about what you should do.
1. Create content that fits Gen Z more
Adapt it towards their values and their mindset. Serve them information from which they can learn something.
2. Use mobile-first strategy
Read about this more in our article right here: The Remarkable Mobile-First Video Strategy
3. Collaborate with them
This not only involves the influencer marketing strategy but also building communication
4. Let them drive
User-generated content is a great approach. Show them you care about what they do.